jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

New Taxes Upset Colonist.

The national dept was doubled because of this wear in Britain.
After the war the British gain new terretories.
Most of them payed by the British people and the colonist just a few.

The Sugar Quartoring And Stamp Acts.
Colonial merchants became rich by snuggling products from the colonies.
In 1764 The new primitive minister (England) George Grenville proposed raising money by making duties already in place. He reinforced the law and the duties went down.
Molasses a thick syrup produced during the refering. " Sugar Act ".
He also assigned new customs officers, created courts to connect duties. Persecuted smugglers.
1765--- Unpopular law of the Quartering Act required the colonies to supply a place to sleep and food to English troops.

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